Soundtrack Review: Jurassic Park III

Composed by: Don Davis

Years after The Lost World, Spielberg took the producer’s seat for Jurassic Park’s third film entry while Joe Johnston took over directorial duties. Jurassic Park III seems a little out of place with the rest of the franchise. It only runs an hour and a half and the stakes are limited to finding a stranded boy on a dinosaur-infested island. It would have been at the level of a B-movie it wasn’t for some nifty special effects. I did appreciate how a new dinosaur, the Spinosaurus, got to take the role of main threat, though the film went too far out of its way to make it intimidating to the point that it was literally chasing the characters all the way across the island. This is another problem with the film. The dinosaurs stop being animals and start being monsters, to the point a T-Rex abandons a large meal to chase after scrawny humans. Continue reading